Sabtu, 08 September 2012

How to Make Email Hotmail :

Visit from you’r browser

Click Sign Up Now or Sign Up, then the computer will do the process and screen will showed page new registration like the picture below.

Fill the text registration form above with your full personal data
Personal Data
Name : Text with you’r real name, first name and last name 
Date of birth : input your birth or born day 
Sex : Choose your sex between man, female or not specified

Choose your country and put your zip code for example Indonesa, 15151 

Creat Account
Account Name : text with email address that you want, you can make which one of,, dan
Create a Password : fill with code to save your account
Re-enter the Password : for the assured if you correct input the password

Security is for protected your account or if you forget the password. And if you don’t want tou use alternative email you can use security question

Question Security


If success, will appear Hotmail page like the picture below , but if you failed look the warning that showing on screen and repair the data.

Text the table with following character above the table or you can listen it with audio click.

Okey, That so easy, isn’t it? Don’t need the skill but you must attend the command from the computer. Hopefully this article useful, and from me GOOD LUCK :D 

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